BunnyTrack.net :: Great BT for Everyone
Our Unreal Tournament Servers
Latest News
Mapping Contest 31st October 2022 by Sapphire
We're excited to announce an upcoming mapping contest held by prolific BT mapper NuLL. Click below for details or head over to UT BT's Discord server and look for #make-something-easy-mapping-event.

UT Patch v469c 30th October 2022 by Sapphire
OldUnreal have released their latest UT99 patch, continuing to fix age-old bugs and improve game stability. The patch is available to download from OldUnreal's GitHub repository.
UT Patch v469b 10th March 2021 by Dizzy
OldUnreal recently released UT99 patch v469b. The patch "fixes hundreds of stability, security and performance problems in the game client, the server, and in Unreal Editor. It adds support for modern platforms and operating systems; and adds new 3D renderers, audio drivers and minor features (such as raw input and high-resolution font/GUI scaling) to better leverage the capabilities of modern gaming systems."
UT Patch v469a 24th February 2021 by Dizzy
OldUnreal recently released UT99 patch v469a. The patch "fixes hundreds of stability, security and performance problems in the game client, the server, and in Unreal Editor. It adds support for modern platforms and operating systems; and adds new 3D renderers, audio drivers and minor features (such as raw input and high-resolution font/GUI scaling) to better leverage the capabilities of modern gaming systems."
MP3 to UMX Converter 16th December 2020 by Sapphire
A drag and drop MP3 to UMX converter is available for easily converting music to use in UT maps. Check out the GitHub page for more details.
UT Package Explorer 9th February 2020 by Sapphire
A package explorer page has been made to demo a JavaScript plugin which can extract data from UT packages on the fly. See the GitHub page for more details, and a small write-up on the file format here.
Unified Server Records 1st June 2019 by Sapphire
Our records page now combines records from servers 1 and 2. Player names have also been unified to provide more accurate stats (e.g. "Vis" or "VisDiz.com" now counts as "Visability"). Thanks to Shotter and OwYeaW for contributing names and corrections.
Server 1 to Host Featured Maps Only 5th January 2019 by Dizzy
See the blog.
NuLL Mapping Videos 28th November 2018 by Dizzy

Prolific BT mapper NuLL is currently producing a BT map and is streaming/recording his progress via his Twitch channel.
Discord 24th October 2017 by Dizzy
We're now actually using our Discord channel.
Mapping Contest 14th October 2017 by Dizzy
We're excited to announce an upcoming mapping contest.

USA Server 4th September 2017 by Dizzy
We've added an additional BT server located centrally in Texas, USA. It's here to stay. We hope it gives our friends from the Americas better ping. port 7777